Did you know the concept of granola and cold breakfast cereal started in Dansville, NY?
The Jackson Sanitorium, a water cure and health resort in Dansville, NY, also called 'Our Home on the Hillside' or the Castle on the Hill, was run by Dr. Caleb Jackson. In the late 19th Century, Jackson created a graham flour based biscuit called Granula that was baked, crumbled, baked again, and then soaked in milk or water for breakfast or other meals.
Dr. Will Kellogg from Michigan wanted to sell his version of Granula and to avoid a lawsuit, changed the name to Granola... the rest is history. Before Jackson’s Granula, cold cereal wasn’t eaten for breakfast.
You can see a piece of the original Granula at the Dansville Area Historical Society on Church Street, and the remains of the Jackson Sanitorium are visible on East Hill.